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Swiss federal authorities

The ASA system

Illustration of the 10 elements of the ASA system
The 10 elements of the ASA system

System-oriented prevention

System-oriented prevention is effective and goes beyond merely eliminating a problem once it has been identified (e.g. lack of railings). The aim of systematic prevention is to sustainably prevent the recurrence or development of a similar problem throughout the company. It therefore usually involves a combination of technical, organisational and personal measures (e.g. procurement of work equipment, regular workplace checks, briefing and involvement of employees, etc.) on the basis of a hazard identification. System-orientated measures are essential for the ongoing development of the company’s safety culture.

An ASA system in accordance with FCOS Directive 6508 (ASA Directive) consists of 10 elements. This system is a practical tool that enables employers and safety experts to fulfil their responsibilities and to continuously improve health and safety in the company.


Types of ASA solutions

There are basically two solutions for implementing the system:

Industry-wide ASA solution

An industry-wide solution is a tool for the development of an ASA system offered by a certified provider. ASA solutions offer their members customised templates for implementing the 10 elements of the ASA system. 

There are three different types of industry-wide ASA solution:

  • Industry solution
  • Corporate group solution
  • Model solution

Companies can join one of these ASA solutions and thus ensure the involvement of occupational safety specialists.

Customised ASA solution

Companies can also develop a customised ASA system by independently developing the content of the 10 elements of the ASA system. This requires the company to call in external occupational safety specialists or to acquire the necessary occupational safety knowledge itself.