Subcommittees comprise FCOS members and/or members without voting rights.
Due to the limited time available, not all business can be dealt with in detail during the regular FCOS meetings. These subcommittees hold detailed discussions on matters which, due to their importance, need to be handled by FCOS itself. They make preliminary decisions on behalf of FCOS.
The following subcommittees are currently in place:
The finance and budget subcommittee
monitors the medium-term development of finances, the level of the equalisation reserve and the premium surcharge;
determines the expected revenue and the maximum authorised expenditure for the next two financial years;
proposes a draft budget for FCOS;
deals with fundamental issues relating to the short-term and/or medium-term distribution of funds;
deals with the service agreements of the implementation bodies.
The cantonal/SECO remuneration subcommittee
checks the accounts of the implementation bodies according to the Employment Act;
checks the list of activities eligible for compensation;
deals with the service agreements between FCOS and the cantons;
applies to FCOS for any amendments or revisions to the remuneration regulations so that the implementation bodies can be appropriately remunerated.
The subcommittee for recording and coordination of preventative activities (RCP subcommittee)
discusses all planned prevention products (information tools, actions, campaigns and safety programmes) in order to coordinate between the implementation bodies where necessary to avoid duplication.