History of FCOS
FCOS was established with the creation of the Federal Act on Accident Insurance. Its history can be divided into four eras, with each era having been shaped by a Chairperson.
Phase 1: Pioneer era 1983 -1988
- The Federal Council appoints the first members of FCOS.
- First Chairperson of FCOS: Dr Walter Seiler, Suva.
- Creation of the agency, first Secretary: Anton Güggi.
- Legal basis: the Federal Act on Accident Insurance AIA and Ordinance on the Prevention of Accidents and Occupational Diseases (VUV) enter into force on 01.01.1984.
- Expert committees and subcommittees are set up to achieve the objectives.
- Preliminary work (rules of procedures, remuneration regulations, fixing of premium surcharge, guidelines on implementation procedures, conferences, FCOS training course, bulletin).
- Work on initial directives, for example on distillation plants for flammable liquids, forestry work and liquefied gas.
Phase 2: Expansion and consolidation 1989 - 1998
- FCOS Chairperson: Dr Dominik Galliker, Suva.
- Employees and employers are also represented in the EKAS by non-voting delegates.
- New provisions enter into force:
- The involvement of occupational physicians and other occupational safety specialists (ASA) is regulated in the Ordinance on the Prevention of Accidents and Occupational Diseases (VUV). It is formalised in the Suitability Ordinance and by FCOS in the ASA Directive.
- FCOS training course on occupational safety is completely revised.
- Safety programmes: Sprossi (Ladders), Lueg uf e Wäg (Watch your step), Hirne bim Lüpfe (Lifting and carrying).
- Intensive continuation of the work on directives.
Phase 3: Efficiency and optimisation 1999 - 2015
- FCOS Chairperson: Dr Ulrich Fricker, Suva.
- FOPH takes over supervision of FCOS.
- Approval of numerous industry, corporate group and model solutions and creation of an ASA specialist department to support them.
- Adaptation of the VUV to data protection laws due to enforcement database, entry into force of Ordinance on the use of pressure equipment.
- Commissioning of enforcement database
- Campaigns/action: Prevention in the Office, FCOS Box, Vision 250 Lives, SAFE AT WORK.
- First revisions of directives.
Phase 4: 2016 - present day
- FCOS Chairperson: Felix Weber, Suva.
- Entry into force of revised AIA on 01.01.2017 with number of FCOS members increased from 11 to 15 (new: two additional members for each of the social partners).
- Transfer of the FCOS training courses to the formal education landscape in the form of the professional qualification “Specialist in Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)” and the advanced professional qualification “Expert in Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)”.
- Campaigns/action: Leadership Laboratory, Hey Boss, Suva and the Cantons Prevention Programmes 2020+.
- Start of process to transfer the directives into aggregated form and systematic review of the directives.